peaceful coexistence on the table once again. Then
juggernauts and holy hats upon their pale horses
thunder in--asunder--hungry, over-zealous men.
Stinging insults decimate the delicate alliance,
consequential dialogue in dumbshow disarray;
wounded rage runs rampant, exposing cryptic messages
borne of hate and avarice. White Dove flies away.
The blackened blue ablaze with apocalyptic symbols,
Armageddon bubbles underneath the bloodied waters.
Voices pierce the darkened sky, "You must stop the madness!
Please come back and try again. Save our sons and daughters."
White Dove hears the mothers' pleas, observes the scene below.
Has the folly gone too far to keep the End at bay?
Brilliant flash! Silent night! Olive Branch in ashes...
Powerless, the Dove of Peace looks down on Judgment Day.
Has the folly gone too far to keep the End at bay?
Brilliant flash! Silent night! Olive Branch in ashes...
Powerless, the Dove of Peace looks down on Judgment Day.
All Rights Reserved
White Dove, copyright 2008, Jackie Marx
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