Bedlam breaks the midnight hush
Stillness shattered, raucous rush
Townsfolk scatter in the street
Rumpled bedclothes, naked feet
What has caused the rapid rout?
Something bad has come about.
Rape and pillage in the night?
Roofs ablaze? What feeds the fright?
People pointing toward the sea
at the shadows as they flee:
hooded henchmen, ghosts or ghouls,
mischief makers, April fools?
Bloody footprints on the path
in the morning aftermath;
three-toed monsters fear imparts,
even in the bravest hearts.
Since the creatures came around;
sleep is fleeting, never sound.
Midnight bedlam filling dreams:
musket flashes, bloody screams.
Once the innocence is gone,
dark infringes on the dawn;
at the ready, evermore,
bracing for impending war.
Roofs ablaze? What feeds the fright?
People pointing toward the sea
at the shadows as they flee:
hooded henchmen, ghosts or ghouls,
mischief makers, April fools?
Bloody footprints on the path
in the morning aftermath;
three-toed monsters fear imparts,
even in the bravest hearts.
Since the creatures came around;
sleep is fleeting, never sound.
Midnight bedlam filling dreams:
musket flashes, bloody screams.
Once the innocence is gone,
dark infringes on the dawn;
at the ready, evermore,
bracing for impending war.
Forever Bedlam copyright 2008, Jackie Marx, All Rights Reserved